Izzy’s Magical Camogie Adventure made the RTE Christmas Gift Guide List!!!


Two weeks ago, on a quiet Tuesday morning during mid-term, I was scrolling through the newly released RTE Christmas Gift Guide online, when there is was, “Izzy’s Magical Camogie Adventure”!!!!

Izzy in all her glory, holding her hurley (yes hurley, not hurl!) was one of four children’s books on the list.

Izzys Magical Camogie Adventure


As a new author (one year into this) and as someone who is relatively new to the business of publishing and marketing a book, this was huge! This is not to say that I hadn’t worked hard to make this happen. I am always trying to think of ways to market and sell my book.  This is not something that comes naturally to me, but I work very hard at it. I believe in this books and the message behind them. As Richard Branson once said, “A Business is simply an idea to make other people’s lives better”. I believe my Izzy books and the message behind them will make other people’s lives better. I will keep working hard to get that message out there, and being in the national media is a huge help in trying to achieve that.

Thank you RTE for including me in this list and make sure to check it out, there are so many fantastic Irish gift ideas in it.



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